Blah blah blah, yes this is my Knitting Blog!

Sometimes a flurry of activity, sometimes a long time with nothing at all. And right now it looks like a gap of a couple of years (shame on me).

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Friday, July 08, 2005

Making progress!

Okay, here's where I'm at today on this sweater - Last night I got to the point where the sleeves meet under the arm and so I moved all the sleeve stitches to the string holders and joined the body on the large circular needle.

I thought I was going to have to do some serious decreasing on the body (according to my gauge of 4.5/in this thing is I think 40" around) but when I put it on it seems pretty good.

For those of you keeping track (and I wish I were one of them) this is about the end of the multicolored yarn. I can maybe get one more round out of this skein, and after that it's the solid pink of the collar and stripe all the rest of the way.

I HATE taking it off the needles, but I guess it's good practice.

Okay, here are some action shots of me in the mirror:

(If you turn the camera around and sight in the mirror you don't get pictures of yourself holding a camera!)

Also, this sweater won't even need the underarm grafting - I think once the body is done I just finish the sleeves and call it a day.

So far I'm thinking of keeping the sleeves very short. That way I can wear it without getting too hot.

MJ you're my hero!


Blogger Mary Jessica said...

aw shucks!
Don't forget how much your baby sweater inspired me as I crappily cast-on (over and over again) in Jenny's living room!

8:48 AM


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